foreign language patch for build-index+cl-ppcre branch

< Robert Dodier Tue Feb 22 00:34:35 CST 2011 wrote:
< On 2/21/11, Leo Butler <l.butler at> wrote:
< >  Robert, what do you mean by 'incorrect'?
< >
< >  Do you mean the text is displayed incorrectly or do
< >  you mean that the displayed text is incorrect?
< In doc/info/{es,pt}/maxima-index.lisp (i.e. non-UTF-8)
< special characters are replaced by '?' (ascii 077).

Robert, I think what you are seeing there is that your lisp is
using a utf-8 external format (encoding), and #\?
is the replacement char for non-printables.

Based on this hunch, I've pushed a patch for build-index.lisp
that uses the external format in the master info file to
read the info files and write the hash tables. Does this
fix the issue you see?


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