time to switch from CVS to Git, was: Missing mailings from commits
Subject: time to switch from CVS to Git, was: Missing mailings from commits
From: Leo Butler
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2011 20:21:44 +0000 (GMT)
< < < Caution is required here. I have converted several different CVS <
< repositories to git over the past few years. I found that git-cvsimport <
< always *appeared* to work, but *often* produced git checkouts that were <
< subtly different from the cvs versions. In fact, I think I was < experimenting
< with the Maxima repository when I first noticed that my < git version didn't
< match up with the cvs version.
< Following Jim's advice, I wrote a little script that implements (1-2)
< to check the faithfulness of git cvsimport. I ran the script on the
< latest release, and the diff file is attached along with the script.
< I am running the test over all branches at the moment.
I have put the diff files in
You will see that Jim's cautious words are borne out.
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