time to switch from CVS to Git, was: Missing mailings from commits
Subject: time to switch from CVS to Git, was: Missing mailings from commits
From: James Amundson
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2011 22:03:24 -0600
On 02/23/2011 02:21 PM, Leo Butler wrote:
> < < < Caution is required here. I have converted several different CVS<
> < repositories to git over the past few years. I found that git-cvsimport<
> < always *appeared* to work, but *often* produced git checkouts that were<
> < subtly different from the cvs versions. In fact, I think I was< experimenting
> < with the Maxima repository when I first noticed that my< git version didn't
> < match up with the cvs version.
> < Following Jim's advice, I wrote a little script that implements (1-2)
> < to check the faithfulness of git cvsimport. I ran the script on the
> < latest release, and the diff file is attached along with the script.
> < I am running the test over all branches at the moment.
> I have put the diff files in
> http://www.maths.ed.ac.uk/~lbutler/cvs-git/
> You will see that Jim's cautious words are borne out.
Thank you for doing all the detailed testing. I'm glad to see, at least,
that I didn't send you on a wild goose chase. I did the cvs2git
translation of a maxima cvs tarball that Ray pointed me to. He said:
> I think this was
> my monthly backup done on 2011-01-15. But for playing around, it
> doesn't matter the exact date as long as it's fairly recent.
Also, I didn't attempt to get the email addresses right in this
conversion. If we decide that the cvs2git translation produces otherwise
satisfactory results the addresses can be fixed.
Please apply your tests to this git repository:
and let us know what happens.