time to switch from CVS to Git, was: Missing mailings from commits

On Wed, 23 Feb 2011, James Amundson wrote:

< On 02/23/2011 02:21 PM, Leo Butler wrote:
< > 
< > 
< >   I have put the diff files in
< > 
< >   http://www.maths.ed.ac.uk/~lbutler/cvs-git/
< > 
< >   You will see that Jim's cautious words are borne out.
< Thank you for doing all the detailed testing. I'm glad to see, at least, that
< I didn't send you on a wild goose chase. I did the cvs2git translation of a
< maxima cvs tarball that Ray pointed me to. He said:
< > I think this was
< > my monthly backup done on 2011-01-15.  But for playing around, it
< > doesn't matter the exact date as long as it's fairly recent.
< Also, I didn't attempt to get the email addresses right in this conversion. If
< we decide that the cvs2git translation produces otherwise satisfactory results
< the addresses can be fixed.
< Please apply your tests to this git repository:
< 	http://amundson-long.net/maxima.git.tar.bz2
< and let us know what happens.
 I've put the results in 


 You can see that cvs2git does a rather bad job in
 comparison to git-cvsimport: the diff file sizes

                  Release 5.22        5.23
 git cvsimport    3.3K                3.3K
 cvs2git          363K                691K

 I've not bothered with more testing on earlier branches.
 Note that cvs2git doesn't like $Id$ tags, and it has lost
 files (including in the Attic).


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