foreign language patch for build-index+cl-ppcre branch

On 2/26/11 6:04 PM, Robert Dodier wrote:
> On 2/25/11, Raymond Toy <toy.raymond at> wrote:
>> On 2/25/11 1:53 AM, Robert Dodier wrote:
>>> I don't care what GCL does or doesn't, anymore.
>> You keep saying this.  So make it official instead of making snarky
>> remarks about not caring about gcl.
>> Announce the fact that maxima no longer supports running with GCL and be
>> done with it.  People will know what to do then.
> I don't have, and don't want, the authority to decide it myself.
I think that not everyone reads every message.  But I think the
discussion will be a bit more focused if we just had one thread about
dropping gcl because it is becoming more and more difficult to maintain
maxima with gcl.

And whether you want it or not, you are the de facto leader, if for no
other reason than that you set the release dates and set the release
labels and do the release engineering.

Dropping gcl makes my life easier.  I do build with gcl once in a while
just to make sure, but I don't use maxima and gcl, and don't run maxima
on Windows.
