foreign language patch for build-index+cl-ppcre branch

Am Samstag, den 26.02.2011, 18:46 -0500 schrieb Raymond Toy:
> On 2/26/11 6:04 PM, Robert Dodier wrote:
> > On 2/25/11, Raymond Toy <toy.raymond at> wrote:
> >
> >> On 2/25/11 1:53 AM, Robert Dodier wrote:
> >>> I don't care what GCL does or doesn't, anymore.
> >> You keep saying this.  So make it official instead of making snarky
> >> remarks about not caring about gcl.
> >>
> >> Announce the fact that maxima no longer supports running with GCL and be
> >> done with it.  People will know what to do then.
> > I don't have, and don't want, the authority to decide it myself.
> I think that not everyone reads every message.  But I think the
> discussion will be a bit more focused if we just had one thread about
> dropping gcl because it is becoming more and more difficult to maintain
> maxima with gcl.
> And whether you want it or not, you are the de facto leader, if for no
> other reason than that you set the release dates and set the release
> labels and do the release engineering.
> Dropping gcl makes my life easier.  I do build with gcl once in a while
> just to make sure, but I don't use maxima and gcl, and don't run maxima
> on Windows.

I develop Maxima on a Linux system. Sometimes I do a Lisp-built on a
Windows system. I use a pre-built version of GCL. I have never managed
it to build GCL on Windows.

I would prefer any other Lisp, which will work on a Windows system and
which is easy to install.

Dieter Kaiser