New visualization package

El mi?, 09-03-2011 a las 16:06 +0000, Jaime Villate escribi?:
> Hi,
> I committed today a package share/dynamics/visualization.lisp that sends
> its output to Xmaxima, in a similar fashion as
> plot2d(...[plot_option,xmaxima]) does.
> It uses the Tcl version of VTK to create 3D scenes. Something similar to
> what Mario has proposed in a previous message but it also makes
> animations. In Ubuntu, the package vtk-tcl is required.
> Here are some examples:
> Example 1 (a cone)
> scene([cone]);


I've tried to check your package, but got the following error in ubuntu:

(%i8) scene([cone]);
Error in startup script: invoked "break" outside of a loop
    while executing
"if { [llength $maxima_priv(plotfile)] > 0 } {
    set fptr [open [lindex $maxima_priv(plotfile) 0] r]
    regsub -all -- {/\*.*?\*/} [read $fptr] {} i..."
    (file "/usr/local/bin/xmaxima" line 15516)
(%o8)                                  1

One of the problems I've seen with vtk is that rendering is slower than
with Gnuplot. Probably this is due to tcl.

(Sorry for my previous blank message. Somehow I removed part of the text
before clicking on the "send" button.)

Thanks for sharing your work.
