New visualization package

On Wed, 2011-03-09 at 22:12 +0100, Mario Rodriguez wrote:

> I've tried to check your package, but got the following error in ubuntu:
> (%i8) scene([cone]);
> Error in startup script: invoked "break" outside of a loop
>     while executing
> "if { [llength $maxima_priv(plotfile)] > 0 } {
>     set fptr [open [lindex $maxima_priv(plotfile) 0] r]
>     regsub -all -- {/\*.*?\*/} [read $fptr] {} i..."
>     (file "/usr/local/bin/xmaxima" line 15516)
> (%o8)                                  1
Hi Mario,
did you update Xmaxima to the latest CVS version from yesterday?
Did you try that command from console maxima, wxmaxima or xmaxima?

> One of the problems I've seen with vtk is that rendering is slower than
> with Gnuplot. Probably this is due to tcl.
I've tried it with C++ and tcl and I don't see much difference. The
problem is that it uses OpenGL so its rendering is highly dependent on
your graphics card. In some of the laptops where I have tried it it
works very fast.