Follow-up to : trying to use "get" inside a Maxima function - problem using hashed arrays (FYI)
Subject: Follow-up to : trying to use "get" inside a Maxima function - problem using hashed arrays (FYI)
From: Stavros Macrakis
Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2011 17:32:39 -0400
I think there is a confusion here. You said you wanted to attach a quality
to a *variable*. But I don't think that's what you wanted to do. You want
a *value* which includes both the matrix and some additional properties.
After all, if you attach a quality to a variable, that quality won't be
assigned or bound to a different variable when you assign or bind the
*value* of that variable to *another* variable.
Back to the container vs. the contents. If you put a green apple in a red
box, it doesn't become red, and if you transfer the contents of the red box
to a blue box, it is no longer in a red box (and of course it remains
There is yet another possibility. If the qualities you're assigning are not
*additional* annotations which vary from case to case, but in fact
properties of the value itself, you *can* use hashed arrays, but instead of
something like variable['property_name]: property_value, you'd use
property_name[object_value]: property_value. For example, you could have
prime[3]:true or factors[12]:[2,3,4,6]. In the matrix case, this could be
useful for (e.g.) annotating a matrix as upper-diagonal or not. But it
would *not* be useful to attach the basis, since the same matrix value can
be used with different bases.
On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 11:44, Bruce Linnell <brlinnell at> wrote:
> Recap : my original goal was to attach a "quality" to a
> variable that has a value, so that when the variable was passed to a
> function, the function could take the appropriate steps based on the
> quality. In particular, I'm trying to add to the CTensor package
> functionality, which requires knowing whether a tensor has upper and/or
> lower indices. My goal is to be able to manipulate vectors, matrices, and
> arrays containing equations in order to multiply tensors, take the covariant
> derivative of them, raise/lower indices, etc.
> I have since found a problem with using hashed arrays. The following code
> ------------------------------
> kill(all)$
> test_ll[val]:matrix([1,2],[2,1])$
> test_ll[rank]:'Trank2LL$
> print("Made in-line : ")$
> test_ll;
> properties(test_ll);
> arrayinfo(test_ll);
> test_ll[val];
> test_ll[rank];
> MakeTensor():=block([temp], temp[val]:matrix([5,5],[5,5]),
> temp[rank]:'Trank2UU, temp)$
> test_uu:MakeTensor()$
> print("Made by function : ")$
> test_uu;
> properties(test_uu);
> arrayinfo(test_uu);
> test_uu[val];
> test_uu[rank];
> ------------------------------
> Produces the following output :
> Made in-line :
> test_ll
> [hashed array]
> [hashed, 1, [rank], [val]]
> [ 1 2 ]
> [ ]
> [ 2 1 ]
> Trank2LL
> Made by function :
> temp
> [value]
> arrayinfo: test_uu is not an array. -- an error. To debug this try:
> debugmode(true);
> [ 5 5 ]
> [ ]
> [ 5 5 ]
> Trank2UU
> ------------------------------
> Note in particular that despite the fact that the [val] and [rank] values
> are correct, the variable made by the MakeTensor function is NOT a hashed
> array, and has a "name" (sorry, I don't know all the Maxima terminology yet)
> of 'temp' instead of 'test_uu'. The following variations on MakeTensor made
> no difference :
> MakeTensor():=block([temp,rank,val], temp[val]:matrix([5,5],[5,5]),
> temp[rank]:'Trank2UU, temp)$
> MakeTensor():=block([temp], temp['val]:matrix([5,5],[5,5]),
> temp['rank]:'Trank2UU, temp)$
> This causes problems when a variable from MakeTensor is passed to a
> function that takes a tensor as an argument and returns a tensor :
> ------------------------------
> Convert(T):=block([temp], temp[val]:T[val]-1, temp[rank]:'Trank2UL, temp)$
> test_ul:Convert(test_uu)$
> test_ul[val];
> test_ul[rank];
> test_uu[val];
> test_uu[rank];
> ------------------------------
> Resulting in :
> [ 4 4 ]
> [ ]
> [ 4 4 ]
> Trank2UL
> [ 4 4 ]
> [ ]
> [ 4 4 ]
> Trank2UL
> ------------------------------
> Because test_uu's "name" is 'temp', its [rank] and [val] values ALSO GET
> I can think of several potential work-arounds, such as declaring the
> variables globally, or using different local variable names inside the
> functions, but none of these can provide the functionality, ease-of-use, and
> guaranteed error-free performance that I want.
> However, I have tried all of the above with the (undocumented) "defstruct"
> feature (examples in my previous email), and it has none of these problems.
> It also avoids any potential problems should the user assign values to the
> symbols 'val' or 'rank'.
> Unless someone knows a quick and easy fix to the hashed-array method, it
> appears that defstruct is the only way to go.
> I just wanted to pass this information along so others wouldn't get bitten
> by the same problem.
> Bruce
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