Follow-up to : trying to use "get" inside a Maxima function - problem using hashed arrays (FYI)
Subject: Follow-up to : trying to use "get" inside a Maxima function - problem using hashed arrays (FYI)
From: Leo Butler
Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2011 10:32:36 +0000 (GMT)
On Thu, 17 Mar 2011, Stavros Macrakis wrote:
< Bruce,
< I think there is a confusion here. ?You said you wanted to attach a quality to a *variable*. ?But I don't think that's what you wanted to do. ?You want a *value* which includes both the matrix and some additional properties.
< ?After all, if you attach a quality to a variable, that quality won't be assigned or bound to a different variable when you assign or bind the *value* of that variable to *another* variable.
< Back to the container vs. the contents. ?If you put a green apple in a red box, it doesn't become red, and if you transfer the contents of the red box to a blue box, it is no longer in a red box (and of course it remains
< green).
< There is yet another possibility. ?If the qualities you're assigning are not *additional* annotations which vary from case to case, but in fact properties of the value itself, you *can* use hashed arrays, but instead of
< something like variable['property_name]: property_value, you'd use property_name[object_value]: property_value. ?For example, you could have prime[3]:true or factors[12]:[2,3,4,6]. ?In the matrix case, this could be useful for
< (e.g.) annotating a matrix as upper-diagonal or not. ?But it would *not* be useful to attach the basis, since the same matrix value can be used with different bases.
< ?? ? ? ? ? ?-s
< On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 11:44, Bruce Linnell <brlinnell at> wrote:
< Recap : my original goal was to attach a "quality" to a variable?that?has?a value, so that when?the variable?was passed to a function, the function could take the appropriate steps based on the quality.? In
< particular, I'm trying to add to the CTensor package functionality, which requires knowing whether a tensor has upper and/or lower indices.? My goal is to be able to manipulate vectors, matrices, and arrays
< containing equations in order to?multiply tensors, take the covariant derivative of them, raise/lower indices, etc.
Here is one way to achieve what you want above (and as Stavros says,
this is not your original stated goal).
The key here is that buildq lets you build a TensorFactory each
time you call mt with a distinct symbol. Buildq substitutes in
the symbol in place of T and voila, you have a custom-built
anonymous function (that's the lambda) that takes no arguments.
The final step applies that function to do the work.
==> X
==> matrix([5,5],[5,5])
If you want to see what TensorFactory produces, just remove the last
step and have mt return TensorFactory.
This business could be hidden from the user (you) by writing a custom
macro, since the definition of mt can be mechanically constructed from
the contents of lambda([],...).
I imagine this is one of the motivations to use structures.
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