Follow-up to : trying to use "get" inside a Maxima function - problem using hashed arrays (FYI)
Subject: Follow-up to : trying to use "get" inside a Maxima function - problem using hashed arrays (FYI)
From: Stavros Macrakis
Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2011 11:20:44 -0400
A simpler way of doing what Leo suggests is:
mtx(T, val, prop):= (
arraymake(T,['val]) :: val,
arraymake(T,['rank]) :: prop,
Not sure why you'd want to do this, though.
On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 06:32, Leo Butler <l.butler at> wrote:
> On Thu, 17 Mar 2011, Stavros Macrakis wrote:
> < Bruce,
> < I think there is a confusion here. You said you wanted to attach a
> quality to a *variable*. But I don't think that's what you wanted to do.
> You want a *value* which includes both the matrix and some additional
> properties.
> < After all, if you attach a quality to a variable, that quality won't be
> assigned or bound to a different variable when you assign or bind the
> *value* of that variable to *another* variable.
> <
> < Back to the container vs. the contents. If you put a green apple in a
> red box, it doesn't become red, and if you transfer the contents of the red
> box to a blue box, it is no longer in a red box (and of course it remains
> < green).
> <
> < There is yet another possibility. If the qualities you're assigning are
> not *additional* annotations which vary from case to case, but in fact
> properties of the value itself, you *can* use hashed arrays, but instead of
> < something like variable['property_name]: property_value, you'd use
> property_name[object_value]: property_value. For example, you could have
> prime[3]:true or factors[12]:[2,3,4,6]. In the matrix case, this could be
> useful for
> < (e.g.) annotating a matrix as upper-diagonal or not. But it would *not*
> be useful to attach the basis, since the same matrix value can be used with
> different bases.
> <
> < -s
> <
> <
> <
> < On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 11:44, Bruce Linnell <brlinnell at>
> wrote:
> < Recap : my original goal was to attach a "quality" to a
> variable that has a value, so that when the variable was passed to a
> function, the function could take the appropriate steps based on the
> quality. In
> < particular, I'm trying to add to the CTensor package functionality,
> which requires knowing whether a tensor has upper and/or lower indices. My
> goal is to be able to manipulate vectors, matrices, and arrays
> < containing equations in order to multiply tensors, take the
> covariant derivative of them, raise/lower indices, etc.
> Bruce,
> Here is one way to achieve what you want above (and as Stavros says,
> this is not your original stated goal).
> mt(T):=block([TensorFactory],
> TensorFactory:buildq([T:T],
> lambda([],T[val]:matrix([5,5],[5,5]),
> T[rank]:'Trank2UU,T)),apply(TensorFactory,[]))$
> The key here is that buildq lets you build a TensorFactory each
> time you call mt with a distinct symbol. Buildq substitutes in
> the symbol in place of T and voila, you have a custom-built
> anonymous function (that's the lambda) that takes no arguments.
> The final step applies that function to do the work.
> mt(X);
> ==> X
> X[val];
> ==> matrix([5,5],[5,5])
> If you want to see what TensorFactory produces, just remove the last
> step and have mt return TensorFactory.
> This business could be hidden from the user (you) by writing a custom
> macro, since the definition of mt can be mechanically constructed from
> the contents of lambda([],...).
> I imagine this is one of the motivations to use structures.
> Leo
> --
> The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
> Scotland, with registration number SC005336.