abs & asinh

>>>>> "Henry" == Henry Baker <hbaker1 at pipeline.com> writes:

    Henry> assume(x>0);
    Henry> How come

    Henry> abs(sinh(x)) => sinh(x)

    Henry> but

    Henry> abs(asinh(x)) => abs(asinh(x)) SHOULD BE asinh(x)

    Henry> ???

    Henry> asinh(x) is a perfectly good 1-1/onto real increasing odd
    Henry> function of x.

Exactly, but no one told maxima that fact. :-)

This will be fixed soon.  Maxima also didn't know that atanh is an
increasing odd function either.  Not sure what to do about acosh since
the real-valued function is only defined for non-negative x, so maxima
doesn't know that abs(acosh(x)) = acosh(x) for x>=0.
