The Maxima repository has now changed over to Git.
Below are a few pointers on interacting with the new repository.
Developer-only advice is prefixed by [D].
Browse the repository:
Go to
and select repo.
To clone the repository:
git clone git://maxima.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/maxima/repo
developer (read/write):
git clone ssh://USERNAME at maxima.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/maxima/repo
The directions on https://sourceforge.net/projects/maxima/develop are
incorrect and I have made a request to SF to correct them.
To see what you have:
git branch # show your local branches
git branch -r # show the remote branches
git tag -l # see the tags
To work on your repository:
git checkout -b scratch-pad # create a throw-away branch to work in
# do some work on existing files, then
git commit -a -m 'My first commit' # in your own repository
[D] To commit your changes to the SF repository:
git checkout master
git pull # update master branch with any changes from
git merge scratch-pad # merge your scratch-pad onto master
git push origin master # push the changes to SF
Additional Git resources:
[D] Things that remain to be done:
-test and set up the commit hook correctly (in repo/hooks/post-receive)
-redirect https://sourceforge.net/scm/?type=cvs&group_id=4933
to https://sourceforge.net/scm/?type=git&group_id=4933
-correct the information on the latter page
-update pages like
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