Fwd: CVS/Git conversions for Maxima

On Tue, 19 Apr 2011, Dieter Kaiser wrote:

< Am Sonntag, den 17.04.2011, 19:06 +0100 schrieb Leo Butler: 
< >  Barring any last minute objections:
< > 
< >  I'd like to freeze the CVS repo from 0600 BST (0500 GMT)
< >  on Tuesday 19 April. I should have the Git repo in place by
< >  1200 BST. I will email this list when it is up.
< I have already got the new git repo. I have successfully built Maxima
< and I have run the testsuite and the share_testsuite. I have no
< problems.
< I use the IDE Eclipse and I have installed the plugin EGit. It is a very
< comfortable tool.
< Is it OK to commit already something? I have a lot of changes to the
< German translation of the Manual. 
 Dieter, you beat me to the punch line ;-).
 Meetings delayed me from announcing things earlier.

 Please go ahead and try to push your commits.

 I put a post-commit hook script in place to email maxima-commits,
 but I am not sure it is working.


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