Announcement: Git conversion

On Tue, 19 Apr 2011, Andrej Vodopivec wrote:

< > < This is especially annoying because in a freshly cloned repository git
< > < reports that the files izic/zic/lib/zic_mntG.c and
< > < maxima-pre59/src/SYS-PROCLAIM.lisp are modified and I don't know how
< > < to fix this. This happens on Windows and OSX, probably because the
< > < filesystems are not case sensitive.
< >
< > ?In .git/info/exclude, add lines like
< >
< > ?izic/*
< > ?maxima-pre59/*
< That did not work. 

 Of course it didn't work since you can only ignore untracked files.
 Stupid me.
 If the problem really is related to a case-insensitive filesystem,
 it may be that you can use

 git config core.ignorecase true

< That did not work. But this did:
< git update-index --assume-unchanged izic/zic/lib/zic_mntG.c
< maxima-pre59/src/sys-proclaim.lisp

 This is probably more drastic a solution than you want in
 general, because git will balk at modifying these files. That's not
 a big deal here, but elsewhere it may give you problems.

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