On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 9:48 PM, Leo Butler <l.butler at ed.ac.uk> wrote:
> On Tue, 19 Apr 2011, Andrej Vodopivec wrote:
> < Hi,
> <
> < I really don't like the layout of the repository. I would expect that
> < cloning the maxima repository would only give me the sources for
> < maxima, but now I also get the webpage, izic and other stuff. These
> < should be in separate repositories.
> With git-cvsimport, I could do this. Unfortunately, I couldn't see a
> way to do this with cvs2git and it produced a more faithful conversion.
I see. Then I recommend that we remove izic, CVSROOT and htdocs from
the repository. Maybe also maxima-pre59 and maximabook since these are
also not used anymore.