help with ./configure error

On Wed, 20 Apr 2011, Andrej Vodopivec wrote:

< Are you using msysgit? The problem is probably that it convert unix
< line endings to dos line endings.
< You should reinstall git. During the installation, it will ask you
< what to do with line endings. Choose to leave line endings as they are
< in the remote repository. Then clone the repository again.
< Andrej
 There are a couple config flags that control this:


 The first flag, when true, asks git to do LF -> CRLF conversion on
 update from the repo, and the reverse on pushes. The second
 setting has git check that a checkin/checkout is idempotent,
 and if not, it over-rides the first setting.

 You can check your current setting by

 git config --get core.autocrlf

 I think Andrej is suggesting that it should be set to false:

 git config core.autocrlf false

 If you haven't already tried Andrej's solution, I would suggest
 that you try these settings and try building from a fresh clone.

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