On Wed, 20 Apr 2011, Andrej Vodopivec wrote:
< On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 9:48 PM, Leo Butler <l.butler at ed.ac.uk> wrote:
< >
< >
< > On Tue, 19 Apr 2011, Andrej Vodopivec wrote:
< >
< > < Hi,
< > <
< > < I really don't like the layout of the repository. I would expect that
< > < cloning the maxima repository would only give me the sources for
< > < maxima, but now I also get the webpage, izic and other stuff. These
< > < should be in separate repositories.
< >
< > With git-cvsimport, I could do this. Unfortunately, I couldn't see a
< > way to do this with cvs2git and it produced a more faithful conversion.
< I see. Then I recommend that we remove izic, CVSROOT and htdocs from
< the repository. Maybe also maxima-pre59 and maximabook since these are
< also not used anymore.
Well, the virtue and curse of a repository is that nothing is ever
really deleted from it (btw, htdocs stores all our webpage stuff.)
If you don't like having these directories in your working copy, then what
you can do is
git update-index --assume-unchanged [directories] #and maybe files
rm -fr [directories]
This removes those files from your working copy and ensures that Git
doesn't try to update them. It does not remove them from your
I anticipated that there would be feedback on the layout of the
repository, and since most of us are newbies who view things through
CVS goggles, I didn't want to make drastic changes from the layout
beyond what the conversion produced. As you probably already know,
when learning some new tool/language one often tries to fit it
into a pre-existing mold, only to realize later that the tool had
a better, or at least more natural, way of doing things.
So, let's get some experience with Git and the SF Maxima repository
and then see how things need to be changed.
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