Announcement: Git conversion

Am Mittwoch, den 20.04.2011, 08:38 +0100 schrieb Leo Butler:
>  I anticipated that there would be feedback on the layout of the
>  repository, and since most of us are newbies who view things through
>  CVS goggles, I didn't want to make drastic changes from the layout
>  beyond what the conversion produced. As you probably already know,
>  when learning some new tool/language one often tries to fit it
>  into a pre-existing mold, only to realize later that the tool had
>  a better, or at least more natural, way of doing things. 
>  So, let's get some experience with Git and the SF Maxima repository
>  and then see how things need to be changed.

I try to get some experience with git. I am wondering about the extra
commits appearing after I push my commits into the repo origin. This
additional commits are named:

Merge branch 'refs/heads/master' of
ssh://crategus at

Do I something wrong?

Dieter Kaiser