Subject: Help understanding random_integer lisp code
From: Robert Dodier
Date: Wed, 18 May 2011 12:40:55 -0600
Matthew, %RANDOM-INTEGER consumes the stream of chunks generated
by RANDOM-CHUNK, which is where all the MT algorithmic stuff is located.
The bit-mungeing in %RANDOM-INTEGER is just to construct a return
value which has a different number of bits than a chunk.
Robert Dodier
On 5/18/11, Matthew Gwynne <mathew.gwynne at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I was wondering if anyone could help me understand what is going on in
> the function below:
> (defun %random-integer (arg state)
> "Generates an integer greater than or equal to zero and less than Arg.
> Successive chunks are concatenated without overlap to construct integers
> larger than a single chunk. The return value has this property:
> If two integers are generated from the same state with Arg equal to
> 2^m and 2^n,
> respectively, then bit k is the same in both integers for 0 <= k <
> min(m,n).
> Each call to %RANDOM-INTEGER consumes at least one chunk; bits left over
> from previous chunks are not re-used."
> (declare (type (integer 1) arg) (type random-state state))
> (do*
> ((nchunks (ceiling (integer-length (1- arg))
> random-chunk-length) (1- nchunks))
> (new-bits 0 (random-chunk state))
> (bits 0 (logior bits (ash new-bits shift)))
> (shift 0 (+ shift random-chunk-length)))
> ((= 0 nchunks)
> (rem bits arg))))
> I've been looking at the lisp code for the random_integer function at
> maxima-5.21.1/src/rand-mt19937.lisp (above), trying to understand
> exactly what it is doing and how it matches up to the MT19937
> specification.
> Specifically, I'm having trouble deciphering how the shifts and xors
> and so on relate to the tempering function defined in the original
> paper (
> - page 6):
> y := x + (x >> u)
> y := y + ((y << s) AND b)
> y := y + ((y << t) AND c)
> z := y + (y >> l);
> If anyone could point me towards the relevant definitions, or perhaps
> provide the equivalent Maxima/pseudo-code for random-integer, that
> would be fantastic!
> I'd like to compare this random number generator to that implemented
> in the boost system (for reproducibility), and so need to get a
> thorough understanding of both.
> Thanks in advance!
> Matthew Gwynne
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