Newby can't get "load" to work.

On Sat, 11 Jun 2011, Charles Russell wrote:

< Another
< respondent pointed out that the correct command should have been "batch" and
< not "load".  "load" evidently expects some other file format, perhaps lisp
< rather than maxima.

Please reply to the Maxima list, not me personally.
Both batch and load should process your Maxima file; load can load both
lisp or maxima code, but it uses the file ending to determine the
language in the file. That is why I asked if


works for you.

< >   Note that if you are trying
< > to change the working directory via system, this will not work: system
< > launches a subshell, executes the system command in that subshell, and
< > returns. It is like typing
< > 
< > (cd /tmp; pwd)
< > pwd
< > 
< > on the Linux command line.
< > 
< > The Maxima command
< > 
< > ?xchdir("/tmp")
< > 
< > will change the working directory of the Maxima process. That
< > question mark is not a typo. I put the following in my maxima-init.mac
< > file
< > 
< > cd(dir) := ?xchdir(dir);
< > 
< Thanks.  Is "?xchdir" documented anywhere?  I can't find it using the maxima
< help system.
< This solves my problems as long as I stick to the command-line version of
< maxima.  With wxmaxima on Windows 7, though, I get:
< system("dir");
< 0
< (The maxima prompts are absent because they don't copy from the wxmaxima
< window.  I can only mark one line at a time and that without the prompt.)  The
< command system("dir") works ok in the command-line version but not in
< wxmaxima.

It's not clear what you are trying to accomplish, but my comment
about system is applicable for windows, also.

Note that ?xchdir changes the working directory of the maxima process;
it does not affect the working directory of any separate process like
a frontend (e.g. xmaxima or wxmaxima).


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