On 6/10/2011 6:55 PM, Leo Butler wrote:
> On Wed, 8 Jun 2011, Charles Russell wrote:
> < maxima_userdir;
> < "C:/Users/cdr/maxima"
> < *************
> < load("test.max");
> < loadfile: failed to load C:/Users/cdr/maxima/test.max
> < -- an error. To debug this try: debugmode(true);
> < *************
> < yet the file is really there:
> < /home/cdr$ ls C:/Users/cdr/maxima/test.max
> < C:/Users/cdr/maxima/test.max
> < *************
> < here is the file:
> < /* test.max - test maxima */
> < /* put in maxima_userdir (e.g. cdr/maxima/) and then
> < * call with load("test.max"); but not working */
> < a:3;
> < b:4;
> < c:a+b;
> < **************
> If you rename your file to test.mac does load work?
> < Also, "system" seems to work only on Windows XP, not Windows 7 or Debian, and
> < only for the command-line version even on XP, so how do you navigate the file
> < system?
> Could you send us the output of
> build_info();
> please.
On Windows 7:
Maxima version: 5.24.0
Maxima build date: 20:39 4/5/2011
Host type: i686-pc-mingw32
Lisp implementation type: GNU Common Lisp (GCL)
Lisp implementation version: GCL 2.6.8
> Could you also explain what you mean by "work". That is, what commands
> are you typing in and what are the results.
That is what was in the original message, but without the prompts, which
would not copy/paste from wxmaxima.
Note that if you are trying
> to change the working directory via system, this will not work: system
> launches a subshell, executes the system command in that subshell, and
> returns. It is like typing
> (cd /tmp; pwd)
> pwd
> on the Linux command line.
> The Maxima command
> ?xchdir("/tmp")
> will change the working directory of the Maxima process. That
> question mark is not a typo. I put the following in my maxima-init.mac
> file
> cd(dir) := ?xchdir(dir);
> Leo
Thanks. I now have maxima working satisfactorily from the command line.
For me, wxmaxima is flaky, and xmaxima on Windows 7 seems to be a
console application that is almost identical to the command-line
version. Is this group interested in problems that only occur in wxmaxima?
By the way, I'm posting this to
after having trouble with the mailing list. Hope this works.