analog of fundef for Maxima functions defined in lisp file
Subject: analog of fundef for Maxima functions defined in lisp file
From: Edwin Woollett
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2011 10:48:04 -0700
Is there an analog of fundef which can be used to
display the definition of Maxima functions which
have been loaded in via a lisp file?
(%i1) functions;
(%o1) []
(%i2) load ("rename.lisp");
(%o2) rename.lisp
(%i3) functions;
(%o3) []
(%i4) fundef (rename1);
fundef: no such function: rename1
-- an error. To debug this try: debugmode(true);
(%i5) printfile("rename.lisp");
;;; rename.lisp
(defun $rename1 (mfrom mto)
(cons '(mlist simp) (multiple-value-list (rename-file mfrom mto))))
(defun $rename2 (mfrom mto)
(append '((mlist simp)) (multiple-value-list (rename-file mfrom mto))))
(defun $rename3 (mfrom mto)
(take '(mlist) (multiple-value-list (rename-file mfrom mto))))
(defun $probe_file (fname) (probe-file fname))
(%o5) rename.lisp
Ted Woollett