report on solution of integral equations

Some Russian OCR'ed the article on the web.  It's pretty trashed, but you might get something out of the text.

At 02:45 PM 7/14/2011, Raymond Toy wrote:
>>>>>> "John" == John Ogilvie <ogilvie at> writes:
>    John>      Does anybody have a copy of a report by David R. Stoutemyer of title
>    John>       "Analytical solution of integral equations using computer algebra"
>    John> issued as Computer Physics Reports No. 34, University of Utah, Salt Lake
>    John> City, Utah USA, 1975?
>    John>      I should be grateful for a copy of this report.
>    John>            John Ogilvie
>Isn't this usually solved by visiting your local university library?
>Or, at worst, interlibrary loan?
>Sorry, I don't have this report.

Stoutemeyer. Solving integral equations in CAS(T)(19s)

Top / Papers / Computer algebra / [1]


Analytically Solving Integral Equations

by Using Computer Algebra


University of Hawaii

This paper describes how a computer algebra language such as REDUCE can be used to

automatically construct closed-form and series analytical solutions of integral equations.

The integral equations may be from a large class of nonsingular scalar one-dimensional

problems, including nonlinear generalizations of the classical Volterra and Fredholm equations.

Given a symbolic expression for the integral equation, the program described here categorizes

the equation and applies applicable symbolic techniques to construct the solution (s). If no

closed-form solutions are achieved, then series solutions are automatically attempted; and

if they too are unsuccessful, then approximate solutions of the collocation type are attempted.

In any case, the solutions differ from numerical floating-point solutions in the following


A) The solution expression is a complete direct representation of the solution for all values

of the independent variable over an interval rather than a direct representation of the solution

at a finite number of points or an indirect representation consisting of the numerical coefficients

intended for use in an expression or interpolation formula.

B) The equation may have nonnumerical parameters such as symbolic integration limits,

scale factors, or coefficients, with the solution being expressed in terms of these parameters.

C) Any arithmetic is done exactly by using arbitrary-precision rational numbers

Key Words and Phrases: integral equations, Volterra equations, Fredholm equations,

REDUCE, symbolic algebraic manipulation, polyalgorithm

CR Categories: 5.7, 5.15, 5.18


Throughout applied mathematics, closed-form analytical solutions are particularly

desirable because of the insight they afford. Such solutions can provide a complete

representation over the entire range of data, and, provided they are not too

complicated, such solutions permit direct qualitative understanding of how the solution

varies with the data. Unfortunately this kind of solution is rarely possible except

for simple cases that arise only in classrooms or from drastic idealizations of real

physical situations. Consequently we must often be content with a less informative

numerical solution, perhaps together with a numerical sensitivity study. For many

Copyright ? 1977, Association for Computing Machinery, Inc. General permission to

publish, but not for profit, all or part of this material is granted provided that ACM's

copyright notice is given and that reference is made to the publication, to its date of issue, and

to the fact that reprinting privileges were granted by permission of the Association for

Computing Machinery.

This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grants GJ-32181

and MCS75-22983 and in part by the Advanced Research Projects Agency, Office of the

Department of Defense under Contract DAHC 15-73-C-0363.

Authors' address: Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Hawaii, Honolulu,

Hawaii 96822.

ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Vol. 3, No 2, June 1977, Pages 128-146



Analytically Solving Integral Equations ? 129

areas of applied mathematics, however, computer-algebra languages permit

extension of the threshold of difficulty beyond which analytical techniques must be


The solution of various kinds of equations is one of the major endeavors of

applied mathematics, and general-purpose programs have already been written for

solving equations in finite terms and differential equations. Examples are the

programs of Yun [23], Moses [14, 15], Golden and Kuipers [7], Bogen [2], and Kulp

[10]. Integral equations are probably the next most frequently encountered

category in engineering and science, and computer-algebra programs have been written

to solve a particular integral equation (Gentlemen [6]) and to implement one

technique for solving a certain class of integral equations (the Mathlab group


This paper describes a general-purpose program intended to construct

form series, or projected analytical solutions to a large class of one-dimensional

integral equations. The program utilizes many of the most widely applicable

methods for constructing such solutions. Section 2 outlines these methods, and Section 3

presents elementary examples using the corresponding program. Section 4

summarizes test results for a variety of more challenging problems, with conclusions

given in Section 5.


The type of integral equation considered here is of the form

Q B)

I. Ja(x) )

and/or of the first kind

I w[x,u,p(u)]du = f(x) C)


that are collectively equivalent to eq. A). For example, the equation

 \" If fb \\  ' 1

in / p(u) du log< p(x) ? / exp [p(u)] du> ? 2 asin I p(u) du


- / exp [p(u)]du> + 2  = 

ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Vol. 3, No 2, June 1977



130 ? D. R. Stoutemyer

would be converted to the pair of independent integral equations

I p(u) du = sin (?;), D)


p(x) = / exp [p(u)] du + e. E)

SOLVE, described by Stoutemyer [18], recursively uses factorization, together

with known inverses of various polynomial, algebraic, and transcendental functions,

to solve a nonlinear equation in finite terms. SOLVE is also capable of symbolically

solving simultaneous algebraic equations provided they are linear or linear

fractional in the unknowns.

Most of the solution techniques require a specialized form of eqs. B) or C),

such as the second kind

p(x)=y F)

I J?fa) J

or quasi-linear second kind

p(x) = J w[x,u,p(u)]du+f(x) G)

or a linear equation, for which w in eq. C) or G) is the form k(x, u)p{u). Also,

some techniques are applicable only for fixed limits, where the limits of integration

are free of x, and others are applicable only for variable limits, where one or both

limits of integration depend on x. Usually at most one limit is variable, and it is

simply a; or ? x; but it is easier to program the general case than to transform the

usual cases to one standard form and check for violations.

The integral-equation solver automatically checks the necessary consistency

condition for variable-limit equations of the first kind

/(?) =0, Yx  b(f) = a(x). (8)

For each of the (consistent) independent simplified equations, the program

successively attempts appropriate techniques until one succeeds or none remain.

Depending upon the particular form of the simplified integral equation, the techniques

are attempted in approximately the order that they are discussed below. Partial

successes, such as a closed-form solution containing an unevaluated integral or a

series solution with less than the requested number of terms, are retained too, but

without terminating the search. The user also has the option of specifying that

all appropriate techniques be attempted regardless of any successes, or specifying

that only a particular technique be attempted. Originally intended as debugging

tools, these options increase the flexibility of the program by facilitating survey

and comparison of the techniques, followed perhaps by a concentrated effort on

the most promising technique(s)?one(s) which otherwise might have been

preempted by a previous success or by exhaustion of the available storage while a

previous technique was being attempted.

Table I summarizes the individual techniques described herein.

ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Vol 3, No 2, June 1OT.



Analytically Solving Integral Equations * 131

Table I. Summary of Implemented Techniques


Fixed-limit finite-rank 2nd kind

Variable-limit rank-1 2nd kind

Variable-limit rank-1 1st kind

Laplace transform

Fourier transform


Fredholm-Carleman series

Taylor series

Neumann series

1st kind series














Equation factor convertible

to the form:

p(x) = y{x,\\ I q.(x)r {u,p(u)\"\\du}

J jml 3 0


p(x) = f(x) + j q(x)R(u)p(u)du



f q(x)r[u,p(u)]du = fix)



[0 or p(x)] = f(x) + \\K(x-u)p(u)du



[0 or p(x)J = f(x) + \\K(x-u)p(u)du



[ [ , ,  = fix)



pix) =f(x) + K(x,u)p(u)du



pCx) =fix) + j U{x,u,p(u)]du


pix) = { , [ ( )] ,


| U[x,u,pt$iu,x))*ldu}



\\w{x,u,p[$(u,x)]f}du = fix)


either of the above two forms

* Either aix) ' = 0 and bix) =x or bix) ' = 0 and aix) = x,

f There may be any number of such arguments, each with a distinct a or B,

including the usual degenerate cases a(x)=x, Biu,x)=u.

ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Vol. 3, No. 2, June 1977.



132 ? D. R. Stoutemyer

2.1. Fixed-Limit Finite-Rank Equations

An integrand in F) of the form

?^ , (?I (9)


is called finite-rank, degenerate, or separable.

For fixed limits substitute eq. (9) into eq. F), then interchange the order of

summation and integration to give

p(x) = .}^)], A0)

where the unknown constants c, are given by


c, = / r,[u, p(u)] du, j = 1, 2, . . ., n. A1)


Substituting  for x and i for j in eq. A0) gives

!>.?.(?)]. A2)

Substituting eq. A2) into eq. A1) gives

c3 = I rAu,  \\u, ^ . ( ) \\>du, j=l,2,...,n, A3)

which is a set of n simultaneous equations in finite terms for C\\ through cn . After

these equations have been solved by using symbolic integration and the SOLVE

function, substitution of ci through cn into eq. A0) gives the exact closed-form

solution. As mentioned before, SOLVE is currently limited to linear or

fractional equations for n > 1, but there are plans to incorporate Yun's algorithm

for simultaneous polynomial equations [23]. (Davis [4] and Squire [21, pp.

233], solve some nonlinear finite-rank examples by hand.) Meanwhile, the

equation solver prints eq. A0) together with eq. A3) when SOLVE cannot solve

eq. A3), permitting the user to proceed numerically with a problem that is usually

easier than a direct numerical treatment of the original integral equation. The

integral-equation solver is written in the REDUCE computer-algebra language,

which does not currently have a built-in integrator. Consequently the symbolic

integrations are performed by a simple REDUCE program described by

Stoutemyer [19].

By using factorization and collection of terms together with substitutions such

aslog[a(a:)|fl(u)]?>loga(x) + log/?(w), sin [a(x) + @(u)] ?> sin [a(x)] cos \\0(u)]

+ sin \\j3(u)} cos [a(x)}, and c[aM+Mu)} -? calx)c0w, the program attempts to

minimize n and to achieve the form of eq. (9) even when w is not originally expressed

that way.

2.2 Rank-1 Second-Kind Variable-Limit Equations

As developed by Cochran [3], the general closed-form solution to the linear rank-1

variable-limit equation of the second kind, with w = q(x)R(u)p(u), is

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Analytically Solving Integral Equations ? 133

p(x) = f(x) + q(x) [ U> f{u)R{u) exp \\f q(v)R(v) dv~\\du, A4)

provided either b(x) ? x and d{x) = 0 or a(x) = a; and b'{x) = 0, as is usual.

2.3 Rank-1 First-Kind Variable-Limit Equations

For a rank-1 variable-limit equation of the first kind, assume sufficient

differentiability and q(x) ?? 0 for a(x) < b(x), with w = q(x)r[u, p(u)]. Then division

followed by differentiation gives

{ ( ), p[b(x)]}b'(x) - rla(x), p[a(x)])a'(x) = U(x)/q(x)}', A5)

where primes denote differentiation with respect to x. This is an equation in finite

terms for p(x), provided either b(x) = a;anda'(a;) = ( ) = x&ndb (x) = 0,

as is usual.

2.4 Integral Transforms

Laplace and Fourier transforms provide closed-form general solutions to certain

linear equations with convolution or difference type kernels,

k(x, ) = {  ? ), A6)

which may be checked by determining if k(x,  + ) is free of x. We can use the

Laplace transform for variable-limit equations when the lower integration limit is

0 and the upper limit is x, and we can use the Fourier transform when the lower

limit is ? oo and the upper limit is ??. Let  denote the appropriate transform of

 and F denote the appropriate transform of/. Then the solution to the first kind

of equation is the inverse transform of

F/K, A7)

and the solution to the second kind of equation is the inverse transform of

F/(l - K). A8)

REDUCE does not have built-in Laplace or Fourier transforms; so a modest

transform program listed in Stoutemyer [20] has been written for testing purposes

to serve until completion of a more powerful program under current development.

2.5 Differentiation

Provided there is sufficient differentiability, a variable-limit equation of the first

kind can be differentiated to give

w{x, b(x), p[b(x)]}b'(x) - w{x, a(x), p[a(x)]]d(x)

wx[x,u,p(u)]du-f(x)=O, A9)

where the x subscript denotes partial differentiation with respect to x. This may be

an equation of the second kind, provided either b(x) = x and a (x) = 0 or a(x) = x

and b (x) = 0, as is usual. The integral-equation solver is then recursively reentered

with this new equation. If eq. A9) has factors of the first kind, such as when the

first two terms of A9) are identically zero, the process may be reapplied to these

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134 ? D. R. Stoutemyer

factors. However, the depth of recursion is limited to a user-specified value to

prevent infinite looping.

2.6 Fredholm-Carlemdn Series

For linear integral equations of the second kind, there are well-known recurrence

relations for constructing the Fredholm series solution p. Beginning with g = G

= k(x,u) andj = D = 1, successively iterate the following assignments:



d <- / - g(u, u) du/j,



g <? k(x, u)d + / k(x, v)g(v, a) dv,

D<^-d + D,

G<-g + G,


f> *-fix) + / G(x, u)f(u) du/D.

Although the series terminates after a finite number of terms for the fixed-limit

finite-rank case, the program uses the method of Section 2.1 when it can do so.

2.7 Taylor Series

Noble [16] describes a Taylor-series technique that is applicable to quasi-linear

variable-limit equations of the second kind, and Norman [17] uses algebraic

manipulation to apply it to a particular integral equation. Let x denote a solution of

a(x) = b(x) and assume p(x) can be represented in the form

P(x) = /(x) + g {X T, *Y ~ b>{x) - f(x)]x=i B0)

for sufficiently small | x ? x \\. A violation of this assumption, such as a singularity

at x, in lp(x) ? f(x)] or one of its derivatives is generally revealed by a

divide interrupt during construction of the series. The program traps these errors

from this source and prints the more specific message: \"Zero-divide when

constructing Taylor series. Probable cause is a singularity in the solution or one of its

derivatives.\" From eq. G),

lp(x) - /(*)] = 0,

b(*) -f(x)]Li = {w[x, b(x), p(b(x))]b'(x) - w[x, a(x), p(a(x))]a'(*)}_s

= w[x,x,f(x)][b'(x) -a'(a)]x=i,

provided a(x) = b(x) = x, as is usual.

The Taylor-series method, when applicable, has the advantage over the

holm-Carleman and Neumann series of usiiig symbolic differentiation rather than

the more difficult process of symbolic integration.

2.8 NeumaHh Series

The Neumann series is applicable to equations of the quasi-second kind B). It is

in fact applicable to the more general situation where one or more subexpressions

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Analytically Solving Integral Equations ? 135

of the form p[a(x)] occur in 9, where one or more subexpressions of the form

p\\0(x, u)] appear in the integrand, and when there is more than one integral. This

method is simply successive approximation: It begins with a guess for p that is

substituted into the right side of eq. B), which is then evaluated to provide a new

approximation to p. This new approximation is then substituted into the

hand side, and so on. This process may of course diverge if the right-hand side of

eq. B) is too sensitive to its second or third argument. Often the integrand

includes a scale factor, and the series converges only for sufficiently small magnitudes

of that factor. The form of successive partial sums may indicate the critical scale

factor; but alone they do not constitute a proof that it is critical.

The user may specify the first guess, which may influence the success of the

symbolic integrations, but the default first guess is the right side of eq. B) with

the integrals set to zero.

Fortuitously exact results are recognized a.nd are so indicated by the program.

2.9 First-Kind Series

Mikhlin and Smolitskiy [12] give a series which is sometimes successful for equations

of the first kind: Beginning with an arbitrary guess p* and a coefficient X, iterate


x) - / w[x, u, f(u)]> du. B1)


Analytically Solving Integral Equations ? 145

boolean procedure RANKlSECOND(y, P_OF_X, IESOLN);

begin comment Equation is variable-limit of the form P_OF_X=y.

Determines if  is linear. If so, uses SUMFACTORS to determine if the

integrand is convertible to the form q(x)R(u)p(u). If so, uses equation

04) and appends result together with \"FINITERANK\" on IESOLN. Returns

true or false according to the success of its endeavor;


boolean procedure RANK1FIRST(F, P_OF_X, INTGRL, IESOLN);

begin comment Equation is variable-limit of the form INTGRL=F,

with INTGRL of the form INTEGRAL(w, u, a(x), b(x)). Uses SUMFACTORS to

determine if w has the form of equation (9) with n=l. If so, SOLVE is

used on equation A5), and solutions paired with \"FINITERANK\" are appended

to IESOLN. Returns true or false according to the success of its endeavor;

... end RANK!FIRST;

symbolic procedure SUMFACTORS (w, x, u);

begin comment If w can be put in the.form of equation (9), returns a list

of the form [(qi>n), D2>r2)? ???? ( > )]- Returns empty otherwise;

symbolic q0, r0;

w -<- FR(w, x, u);

if w contains any FR(...) then return empty;

Factor the denominator of w, collecting into q0 the product of all factors

that are free of u, and collecting into r0 the product of all remaining

factors that are free of x, If any factors remain then return empty;

4o \"~ Vqo'. r0 +? l/r0;

Factor the numerator of w, collecting into qo the product of all factors that

are free of u, and collecting into r0 the product of all remaining factors

that are free of x;

Expand the product of any remaining factors of w with the x and all functional

forms of x ordered before u and all functional forms of u to get a form

such as (9) with independent monomial qj expressions. Repeat for the

reverse ordering to get a form such as (9) with independent monomial rj

expressions, and use the second expansion if it gives a smaller value of n

than the first expansion;

Multiply each of the qj by q0 and multiply each of the rj by r0, then return

a list of these qj r,- pairs;


comment pattern-matching rules for the operator FR, intended to convert some

transcendental expressions into finite-rank;

for all Y, Z, X, U let FR(-Y,X,U) + -FR(Y,X,U),

FR(Y-Z,X,U) + FR(Y,X,U)-FR(Z,X,U),

FR(Y+Z,X,U) + FR(Y,X,U)+FR(Z,X,U),

FR(Y*Z,X,U) ->- FR(Y,X,U)*FR(Z,X,U),

FR(Y/Z,X,U) + FR(Y,X,U)/FR(Z,X,U);

if free of (arbitrary X, arbitrary R_OR_Q) or free of (arbitrary U, R_OR_Q) let

FR(R_OR_Q?X,U) -, R_or_Q;

if free of (arbitrary X, arbitrary R) and free of (arbitrary U, arbitrary Q)

and not free of (U,R) and not free of (X,Q) let

FR(SIN(.Q+R),X,U) ->- SIN(Q)*COS(R)+COS(Q)*SIN(R),


FR(LOG(Q/R),X,U) ?* LOG(Q)-LOG(R),

FR(LOG(R/Q),X,U) ->- LOG(R)-LOG(Q),



begin comment EXPRESSIONS is a list of one or more expressions and

UNKNOWNS is a list of unknowns. TECHNIQUE is either \"FINITERANK\" or

\"COLLOCATE\". FORM is an expression containing the indeterminates listed

ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Vol. 3, No. 2, June 1977.



146 ? D. R. Stoutemyer

in UNKNOWNS. The equation(s) EXPRESSIONS=O are solved for UNKNOWNS.

For each solution, the values of UNKNOWNS are substituted in FORM, and the

result paired with TECHNIQUE is appended to IESOLN. Returns true or false

according to the success of this endeavor;


boolean procedure TRANSFORM (y_0R_F, P_QF_X, INTGRL, IESOLN).

begin comment If INTGRL=O then equation is of the 2nd kind, with P_OF_X=y_OR_F.

Otherwise it is of the 1st kind with INTGRL=y_OR_F, If the equation is of

linear convolution type with appropriate integration limits, uses formula A7)

or A8) with Laplace or Fourier transforms depending upon the kind and the

integration limits. Appends any solution together with \"TRANSFORM\" onto

IESOLN and returns true or false according to the success of this endeavor.

... end TRANSFORM;

boolean procedure FREDSERIES (y, P_OF X, N, IESOLN);

begin comment Equation is fixed-limit, of the form P_OF_X=y. N is the

requested number of terms. If  is nonlinear, then false is returned

immediately. Otherwise, the iteration of section 2,6 is executed up to

N times, or until one of the Integrals cannot be evaluated in closed form,

p from the last iteration, together with \"FREDSERIES\" is appended to IESOLN.

Returns true or false according to the success in achieving the requested

number of iterations without unevaluated integrals;


boolean procedure TAYLOR Cy, P_OF X, N, IESOLN);

begin comment Equation is variable-limit of the form P_OF_X=y. N is the

requested number of terms. Determines if  is quasi-linear. If not then

false is returned immediately. Otherwise, the iteration of section 2.7 is

repeated N times, or until a singularity in the solution or one of its

derivatives causes a zero-divide interrupt. Appends the series together

with \"TAYLOR\" onto IESOLN and returns true or false according to the

success of the endeavor;

... end TAYLOR;

boolean procedure FIRST_OR_NEUMANN (y_0R_F, P_0F_X, INTGRL, N, GUESS, IESOLN);

begin comment If INTGRL^O then the equation is of the form rNTGRL=y_OR_F.

Otherwise the equation is of the form P_OF_X=y OR_F. Accordingly either

the First-kind iteration of section 2.9 or the~~Neumann iteration of section

2.8 is repeated up to  times, beginning with GUESS, until an integral

cannot be evaluated in closed form. Appends any solution together with

appropriately \"FIRSTKINDSERIES\" or \"NEUMANN\" to IESOLN, then returns

true or false according to the success of the endeavor;


boolean procedure COLLOCATE (EXPRESSION, P_OF_X, N, IESOLN);

begin comment Equation is of the form EXPRESSIONS; P_OF X is of the form P(x).

Substitutes APPROX(..,,N) for every instance of P(,.J in EXPRESSION,

then evaluates EXPRESSIONS at POINT(a,b,l ,N), POINT,N),...,

POINT(a,b,N,N) to get a set of N equations in terms of the N indeterminates

in the expression returned by APPROX, If none of the N equations contains

an unevaluated integral, then SOLVEANDSUB is used to solve the equations

for the N indeterminates and substitute them into APPROX(X.N). Prints the

corresponding equations and APPROX(X.N) if SOLVEANDSUB fails. Otherwise

SOLVEANDSUB appends the solutions to IESOLN. Returns true or false

according to the success of the endeavor; ... end COLLATE;

symbolic procedure APPROX(X, N);

comment The user may wish to replace this default definition of APPROX;

symbolic procedure POINT(A, B, J, N);

comment The user may wish to replace this default definition of POINT;

if N=1 then (A+B)/2

else A+(B-A)*(J-l)/(n-l);

ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Vol 3, No. 2, June 1977.