report on solution of integral equations

I have tried both interlibrary loan and University of Utah, departments
of computer science and physics, not to mention the author who lacks
even a copy himself -- without success.  Professor Stoutemyer mentioned
that somebody had translated his Reduce code for operation in Maxima
(or Macsyma?).  For that reason I sought the assistance of this list.
I shall try to extract the source mentioned by another respondent, but
apparently that source is in poor condition.  So if anybody has a copy
of the original report, that would still be appreciated.
       John Ogilvie

On Thu, 14 Jul 2011, Raymond Toy wrote:

>>>>>> "John" == John Ogilvie <ogilvie at> writes:
>    John>      Does anybody have a copy of a report by David R. Stoutemyer of title
>    John>       "Analytical solution of integral equations using computer algebra"
>    John> issued as Computer Physics Reports No. 34, University of Utah, Salt Lake
>    John> City, Utah USA, 1975?
>    John>      I should be grateful for a copy of this report.
>    John>            John Ogilvie
> Isn't this usually solved by visiting your local university library?
> Or, at worst, interlibrary loan?
> Sorry, I don't have this report.
> Ray
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