> Since exp is not really a function of one argument -- it is ?mexpt(%e,x),
> there is not necessarily a natural mapping operation over structures, e.g.
> what does [a,b]^[c,d] mean, really?
Right, and I'm not suggesting that should be resolved. I think that
there are some structural differences here.
> So if you want Sage to do something, you can easily put it in Sage.
Naturally! Which in this case means patching Maxima, though hopefully
it wouldn't be too hard.
> There are an unlimited number of ideas that could be put into Maxima,
> or Sage. ?I would prefer to see effort expended on good ideas that
> need hard work, ?not what constitutes (in my opinion) minor embroidery.
True. However, some of us only have time for minor embroidery, and
that is what generates a lot of bug reports.
> Implementing something equivalent to Mathematica's Reduce for example,
> would be nice.
Agreed. Are you volunteering? ;-)
I'll put this issue as "not considered a bug by upstream", then.
Thanks again for the assistance!