Here's another attempt. If it works for you maybe you can
put it in your initilization file (maxima-init.mac).
matchdeclare ([aa, bb, cc], all);
tellsimp (aa^(bb = cc), aa^bb = aa^cc);
=> %e^a = %e^b
=> 2^a = 2^b
Robert Dodier
On 8/8/11, Karl-Dieter Crisman <kcrisman at> wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 6, 2011 at 6:29 PM, Robert Dodier <robert.dodier at>
> wrote:
>> On 8/6/11, Richard Fateman <fateman at> wrote:
>>> On 8/6/2011 12:05 PM, Robert Dodier wrote:
>>>> ute over lists, matrices, and equations, while exp is not so declared.
>>>> You can get the desired effect like this in a Maxima session, or just
>>>> put the Lisp code in maxima-init.lisp. :lisp (setf (get '%exp
>>>> 'distribute_over) '(mlist mequal))
>>> Unfortunately this works only if you write exp(a=b) but not %e^(a=b).
>> Yup, and if I try the same thing with MEXPT, it doesn't work
>> (probably because MEXPT takes 2 arguments? not sure).
>> I guess it would probably take some Lisp hacking to get
>> the desired effect for exp, then.
> Thanks for these comments, that clarifies things a lot.
> Is getting exp to expand over equalities/lists something I should
> consider a Maxima bug/enhancement, or just a user option? (In
> particular, should I open a Maxima ticket for this, or just put on our
> ticket that we would want to hack our own copy of Sage?)
> Thanks!