Question regarding detecting roots of polynom

I am using Maxima 5.20.1 using Lisp GNU 
Common Lisp (GCL) GCL 2.6.7 (a.k.a. GCL) on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
I was building an 18 degree polynom like


  with roots that have always integers for real an imaginary part
If I am using solve(polynom,x) I always end up in:
[x = - 3, x = - 1, x = - 4, x = - 8, x = - 6,
      13                 12                     11                        10
0 = x   + (61 - 36 %i) x   + (1070 - 2026 %i) x   + (- 44660 %i - 3830) x
                            9                             8
  + (- 460920 %i - 371147) x  + (- 1529088 %i - 5353727) x
                              7                               6
  + (13544402 %i - 35943060) x  + (168139960 %i - 102170200) x
                                5                                 4
  + (740595920 %i + 109209296) x  + (1349765824 %i + 1597658416) x
                                 3                                 2
  + (4170648640 - 226610976 %i) x  + (3755946880 - 4231612800 %i) x
  + (- 4647635200 %i - 468851200) x - 1016192000 %i - 1460096000]

so Maxima seems to get the pure real values and then stops.
If a freind uses Matlab or in Online Mathematica I get the exact solutions.

Is the implementation of Berlekamp/Kronecker etc. in Maxima not so good 
or I am using wrong settings?
Solutions can be guessed with algsys, but that is of course not so nice.

Thx and Best regards,