parGosper from zeilberger package doesn't work as expected
Subject: parGosper from zeilberger package doesn't work as expected
From: andre maute
Date: Sun, 14 Aug 2011 16:39:21 +0200
I have the following test for parGosper,which seems not to work.
I think i have interpreted the documentation correctly.
res below should vanish identically.
I have attached my maxima file and an output file.
---- testparGosper.max ----
display2d : false;
:= 1/(a1-k1)!/k1!*(-1)^k1
h : parGosper(F(d,a1,k1,a2,k2,b2,l2),b2,l2,0);
R(d,a1,k1,a2,k2,b2,l2) := h[1][1];
A0(d,a1,k1,a2,k2,b2,l2) := h[1][2][1];
res : A0(d,a1,k1,a2,k2,b2,l2)*F(d,a1,k1,a2,k2,b2,l2)
- (R(d,a1,k1,a2,k2,b2,l2+1)*F(d,a1,k1,a2,k2,b2,l2+1) -
res : factor(minfactorial(res));
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