Is there a way to solve this integral?

Hi Martin,
Have you tried byparts, using acos((2*c+k*u)/sqrt((1-k^2/4)*(1-u^2))? An 
application of byparts and radcan reduces the integral to a rational 
function times a quadratic, which can be done by a trig substitution.
FYI, here is the result of byparts, and radcan:

Dan Stanger
Martin Kielhorn wrote:
> Hi,
> is there way, to help maxima along solving the following integral?
> integrate(acos((2*c+k*u)/sqrt((1-k^2/4)*(1-u^2))),u);
> wolframalpha solves the problem with the input
> Integrate[ArcCos[(2*c + k*u)/ Sqrt[(1-k^2/4)*(1-u^2)]],u]
> However, I would very much like to be able to stay within maxima.
> Regards,
>   Martin
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