float of struve_h functions?

On 20/10/2011 7:31 AM, Edwin Woollett wrote:
> I am using integrate to evaluate one the the
> Mathematica list of NIntegrate examples:
> integrate(bessel_y(2,x),x,1,10^4);
> which produces
> -2*bessel_y(2,10000)+(4*bessel_y(2,1)-%pi*struve_h(0,1)*bessel_y(1,1)
> -%pi*struve_h(-1,1)*bessel_y(0,1))
> /2+5000*%pi*struve_h(0,10000)*bessel_y(1,10000)
>                           +5000*%pi*struve_h(-1,10000)*bessel_y(0,10000)
> The floats of the bessel functions are no problem, but
> the struve_h float chokes:

Not implemented.  Maxima doesn't know much about Struve functions 
(because I don't, and I added the integrals of Bessel functions).