float of struve_h functions?

I didn't know about the Struve functions either. But looking at Maxima's
documentation I see that Struve function H and modified Struve function L
are mentioned in section 15.7, without any examples (unlike most of the
other special functions listed in section 15.). Not sure if that means they
are implemented, but if they aren't, it seems easy to compute their value
numerically, using their definition in integral form.

2011/10/19 Edwin Woollett <woollett at charter.net>

> I am using integrate to evaluate one the the
> Mathematica list of NIntegrate examples:
> integrate(bessel_y(2,x),x,1,**10^4);
> which produces
> -2*bessel_y(2,10000)+(4***bessel_y(2,1)-%pi*struve_h(0,**1)*bessel_y(1,1)
>                                           -%pi*struve_h(-1,1)*bessel_y(**
> 0,1))
>                           /2+5000*%pi*struve_h(0,10000)***
> bessel_y(1,10000)
>                          +5000*%pi*struve_h(-1,10000)***bessel_y(0,10000)
> The floats of the bessel functions are no problem, but
> the struve_h float chokes:
> (%i66) float(struve_h(0,10));
> (%o66) 0.11874368368746
> (%i67) float(struve_h(0,100));
> (%o67) -0.070878751689647
> (%i68) float(struve_h(0,1000));
> Exceeded maximum allowed fpprec.Exceeded maximum allowed fpprec.Exceeded
> maximum allowed fpprec.Exceeded maximum allowed fpprec.Exceeded maximum
> allowed fpprec.Exceeded maximum allowed fpprec.Exceeded maximum allowed
> fpprec.Exceeded maximum allowed fpprec.
> (%o68) 636.6197723675813***hypergeometric([1.0],[1.5,1.5]**,-250000.0)
> How can I get a numerical value for the output
> of integrate for this case?
> Ted Woollett
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