only 2 line types? (Re: Multiple plots: oddities (bugs?), missing features in Xmaxima and wxMaxima)

Thanks Mark and Mario:
As I mentioned in an email to Mario, our server runs Maxima 5.20, which is the version provided by?Ubuntu Lucid LTS:

It seems the dashes and dot_dash types were added in Maxima 5.24 which corresponds to the just released Ubuntu Oneric (11.10).

5.24 appears not to be available as an official backport either:

Unless 5.24 is backported to 10.04, 5.24 is unavailable to me. I run the same OS on my personal laptop, and could perhaps install a compiled version there, but that wouldn't be helpful, since I would get errors when I run the same code on my workstation.

If there is some workaround, preferably that doesn't require administrative?privileges?to implement (maybe sending a raw gnuplot command from draw2d?), it would be great to know it... also if the maintainer of the Ubuntu package is on this list, it would be great if Maxima 5.24 or more recent could be backported to 10.04 Ubuntu, which is a long-term support (LTS) release and hence favoured in certain environments that emphasise reliability.?



----- Original Message -----
> From: Mario Rodriguez <biomates at>
> To: Mark H Weaver <mhw at>
> Cc: maxima mailing list <maxima at>
> Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2011 9:25 AM
> Subject: Re: [Maxima] only 2 line types? (Re: Multiple plots: oddities (bugs?), missing features in Xmaxima and wxMaxima)
> On 10/19/2011 07:07 PM, Mark H Weaver wrote:
>>  The draw package actually accepts two other undocumented line types:
>>  "dashes" and "dot_dash".? However, these only work with 
> the "eps" and
>>  "eps_color" terminals as far as I can tell.? Also (on my system 
> at
>>  least) "dot_dash" does not render as I'd expect, but rather 
> as a plain
>>  dashed pattern, except with shorter dashes than "dashes".
>> ? ? ? Best,
>> ? ? ?  Mark
> I sent to Virgil the following replay some days ago. It seems I did not clic the 
> "Replay to all" button. I hope it clarifies the situation.