only 2 line types? (Re: Multiple plots: oddities (bugs?), missing features in Xmaxima and wxMaxima)

> Yes, I think this should work:

> Download files draw.lisp, grcommon.lisp and vtk.lisp from the Maxima
> repository (folder share/draw) and place them somewhere in your user
> tree.
> Change lines 34 and 35 from draw.lisp to something similar to 
> ($load "path_to/grcommon.lisp")
> ($load "path_to/vtk.lisp")
> Then, every time you need to draw something, write
> load("path_to/draw.lisp") $
> and you are done.

Thanks, Mario. I tried it in one system without using any root privilege and it seemed to have worked for your simple example, with the known issue involving dot_dash line type.

A little annoyance is that it seems the load function only understands complete absolute paths.
For example??load("$HOME/maxima/draw.lisp") or load("~/maxima/draw.lisp") would not work ( same internally when draw itself invokes load on lines 34, 35).?Relative paths (../ , ?./, etc) seem NOT to work either.

The alias $HOME or ~ or the relative paths would be preferable, particularly w.r.t. the line 34/35 modifications, because then one modified copy of draw would work on multiple systems (provided the pertinent files are placed in the right place, such as on $HOME/maxima in this example).?Not a big deal, just a little annoyance.

I suppose that user_preamble= "xxxxxxxxxx" is another approach that may perhaps be useful if not in this specific case, in similar cases, in which one may want to issue direct commands to gnuplot to achieve a functionality not provided explicitly by draw.

