only 2 line types? (Re: Multiple plots: oddities (bugs?), missing features in Xmaxima and wxMaxima)

El jue, 20-10-2011 a las 16:48 -0700, Virgil L escribi?:

> Thanks, Mario. I tried it in one system without using any root privilege and it seemed to have worked for your simple example, with the known issue involving dot_dash line type.
> A little annoyance is that it seems the load function only understands complete absolute paths.
> For example  load("$HOME/maxima/draw.lisp") or load("~/maxima/draw.lisp") would not work ( same internally when draw itself invokes load on lines 34, 35). Relative paths (../ ,  ./, etc) seem NOT to work either.
> The alias $HOME or ~ or the relative paths would be preferable,

When compiled with clisp, something like


works for me.
