A Maxima function for solving initial value problems with adaptive step size and error control.

On 10/25/2011 04:05 PM, Robert Dodier wrote:
> I am inclined to include the package in Maxima. Would others
> care to chime in?
It could be added to the current rk package in which it is based. If 
Panagiotis agrees, I could incorporate it as part of rk, to be used when 
an option adaptive45 (or something similar) was given.

One thing I would change though, is the "option = value" syntax. I find 
it confusing for the users to mix the two different option syntaxes 
"[option, value]" and "option: value" in the same package.

Also, the documentation is very nice, but in order to be incorporated 
into Maxima, we would need the LaTeX source file.

Thanking Panagiotis for his contribution,
best regards,