compiler warnings in mnewton

Hi all:

The first time I use mnewton in a Maxima session, I get the following:

    ;Compiler warnings for
    ;   In $VANDERMONDE_MATRIX: IGNORE declaration for unknown variable LK

This does not happen on subsequent executions in the same session (i.e., 
without restarting Maxima), and it does not appear to have any impact on 
the result (which seems to be correct).

I'm using wxMaxima 11.08.0 on top of Maxima 5.25.0 in Windows XP SP3, 
which was compiled with Clozure Common Lisp Version 1.7-r14925M 



Joseph Cusumano
Professor of Engineering Science & Mechanics
Penn State University
212 Earth & Engineering Sciences Building
University Park, PA 16802
814.865.3179 (o)
814.865.9974 (f)