compiler warnings in mnewton

You may ignore the warning.  At one time, I inserted an ignore into 
linalg-extra to avoid a compiler warning with (I think) sbcl. This same 
ignore causes Clozure to  issue a warning when loading linalg-extra. 

If an expert would tell me if the ignore is needed, I'll make the 
correction if needed. The code is (looking at this, I'd guess 
the (declare (ignore lk)) is spurious)

(defun $vandermonde_matrix (l)
  (let ((x) (row) (acc))
    (setq l (require-list l "$vandermonde_matrix"))
    (dolist (li l)
      (setq x 1 row nil)
      (dolist (lk l)
        (declare (ignore lk))
        (push x row)
        (setq x (mul x li)))
      (setq row (nreverse row))
      (push '(mlist) row)
      (push row acc))
    (setq acc (nreverse acc))
    (push '($matrix) acc)


maxima-bounces at wrote on 10/25/2011 10:55:27 AM:

> The first time I use mnewton in a Maxima session, I get the following:
> ;Compiler warnings for "C:/PROGRA~1/Maxima/share/maxima/5.25.0/
> share/linearalgebra/linalg-extra.lisp" :
> ;   In $VANDERMONDE_MATRIX: IGNORE declaration for unknown variable LK