Maxima html documentation

Michel Talon wrote:
> ICHIKAWA, Yuji wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On Mac, I am using gsed of MacPorts rather than /usr/bin/sed in
> and avoid the problems.
>> I forgot the reason, I wonder some incompatibility about regular
>> By the way, if warnings of empty argument for @opencatbox and @closecatbox
> annoy you, you can add the following lines right after the line of python
> execution.
> Indeed i have just checked that the same problem occurs on FreeBSD, and that
> using gawk has no effect. So the problem is with sed, as you noted, one must
> use the gnu version. In Mac Os X it is the FreeBSD version.

In fact i have just done make html on a Linux box, here everything goes OK and
in particular there is no error in python execution. The categories are
correctly filled in the html files. I have simply overwrited the installed
html files with the Linux ones.

Michel Talon