writefile does not write


with Maxima 5.25.1 under Ecl 11.1.1 writefile creates an empty file
upon being called, but then nothing happens, the file stays empty
whatever happens (also after closefile).

The facility of writefile would actually be very desired.
Is there another command which achieves the effect? Perhaps
something Ecl-specific could be written?

(The motivation is the following: Again and again we are losing
computations which already run for hours/days because of for
example a laptop-crash when running remotely. The (Linux-)program
screen unfortunately doesn't help --- again and again the connection
is completely lost, no possibility to reconnect, while actually Maxima
is still running. These computations most of the time emerge in an interactive
session, so batchmode would be very inconvenient. If writefile would work,
then this would solve the problem (and it could be automated, always on
startup logging to a file with the timestamp in the name).)

Thanks for your attention.
