LISP Development

On 11/4/2011 11:46 PM, Raymond Toy wrote:
> On 11/4/11 10:03 PM, David Blubaugh wrote:
>> I was wondering as to how one does lisp development within Maxima ??
> Probably like doing lisp development anywhere else.  I don't think of 
> it as being different, just because it's maxima.   What are you 
> thinking of doing?
>> Has anyone ever integrated ACL2 within MAXIMA ??
> Not that I know of.
> Ray

Since Bill Schelter was interested in ACL2 and Macsyma both, and tuned 
Kyoto Common Lisp into Austin-Kyoto Common Lisp (which became GCL), and 
Austin is geographical home for ACL, I would expect that at least one of 
the lisps under Maxima (GCL) would run ACL2 with little or no change.  
Since Maxima and ACL2 deal with different kinds of objects, ordinarily, 
"integrating" them would require some thought.  I too don't know of 
anyone who has done it.