lapack package and other

Hi Robert
It is the first time that lapack is loaded and compiled
but some commands do not work:
e.g. dgeqrf (matrix)

Another question about this message:

;Compiler warnings for "C:/Programmi/Maxima-5.25.1/share/maxima/5.25.1/share/linearalgebra/linalg-extra.lisp" :
;   In $VANDERMONDE_MATRIX: IGNORE declaration for unknown variable LK
;Compiler warnings for "C:/Programmi/Maxima-5.25.1/share/maxima/5.25.1/share/linearalgebra/linalg-extra.lisp" :
;   In $VANDERMONDE_MATRIX: Unused lexical variable LK

It is a bug for Maxima 5.25.1 ?