If some parser takes as input n*(n+1) and produces n(n+1), then you should
> not use that parser because somewhere along the way, it is wrong.
you're right. But I have to :(
It's more an WYSIWYG editor for math expressions. Often users are
generating inputs like n(n+1) but meaning n*(n+1).
I hoped maxima can help me solve this inadequacy of the input mechanism.
But it seems there is no way on this layer.
> I suspect you are doing something WAY wrong. If you have a correct
> openmath parser, then it presumably generates some kind of huge openmath
> data for example, sin(x) becomes
> <OMA>
> <OMS name="sin" cd="transc1"/>
> <OMV name="x"/>
> </OMA>
> </OMOBJ>
> This is quite different from the data that would be generated by sin * (x).
> If the users types the "*" everything is fine.
> If you want to convert openmath to Maxima, you should NOT do it by converting openmath
> to an ambiguous text string. You could do it by converting to an unambiguous text string,
> or taking the openmath structure and generating Maxima's internal form. In this case it would
> be a lisp expression, ((%sin) $x). IN my opinion, that would be the right way.
> Understood.
> While I doubt that English is your first language, I hope you don't mind a correction...
> You seem to like apostrophes too much. The word " it's " is a contraction for "it is"
> and has nothing to do with possessives, ever.
> You should learn to use "its". Also "get's" is not a word.
Thanks in advance.