On 11/13/11, Luasjian <luasjian at gmail.com> wrote:
> thanks for the hint. But in my case maxima get's it input from an formula
> editor which represents it's data in openmath and parses it to mathematical
> expressions.
> This parser produces output like n(n+1). So probalby the problem is exactly
> at this point. Or is there a alternative to get openmath into maxima
> (directly to the input or its syntax)?
I don't completely understand what is going on here, but it sounds like
you have:
(user input) --> (openmath) --> (text string) --> (Maxima)
If you have OpenMath which is XML if I recall correctly,
just skip the conversion to a text string and proceed directly to Maxima.
I think there is some code in maxima/share to convert OpenMath XML
to Maxima expressions. (Or maybe it goes in the other direction ...
I don't remember for sure.)
In any event, if you have XML at hand, skip the text conversion
and go directly to Maxima.
Robert Dodier