On 11/16/11 9:20 AM, Andres Cimmarusti wrote:
> Dear all,
> First of all thank you for all your answers. I managed to solve the
> problem using allroots as you pointed out. However I don't have
> eigenvectors now. Here are a few responses on your comments
>> Of course, lapack has a version for complex matrixes, but no one has hooked
>> that up for maxima. It's not difficult to do, but will take a little bit of
>> time. I cannot do that until later next week at the earliest.
> That would really make my day and I think it would be useful for other
> users. I suppose I can use lapack directly without using maxima, but
> the reason for using maxima in the first place, is that before doing
> numerical solutions, there's a decent bit of algebra involved.
I have checked in support for lapack zgeev, which computes the
eigenvalues and (optionally) the eigenvectors of a general complex
matrix. Here is an example of the usage:
(%i1) load(lapack);
;; Loading
(%o1) /Volumes/share2/src/sourceforge/maxima/share/lapack/lapack.mac
(%i2) display2d:false;
Evaluation took 0.0000 seconds (0.0000 elapsed) using 32 bytes.
(%o2) false
(%i3) A:matrix([-3.97-5.04*%i, -4.11+3.7*%i, -.34+1.01*%i, 1.29-.86*%i],
[.34-1.5*%i, 1.52-.43*%i,1.88-5.38*%i, 3.36+.65*%i], [3.31-3.85*%i,
2.5+3.45*%i, .88-1.08*%i, .64-1.48*%i], [-1.1+.82*%i, 1.81-1.59*%i,
3.25+1.33*%i, 1.57-3.44*%i]);
Evaluation took 0.0000 seconds (0.0000 elapsed) using 4.836 KB.
(%o3) matrix([-5.04*%i-3.97,3.7*%i-4.11,1.01*%i-0.34,1.29-0.86*%i],
(%i4) zgeev(A, true);
Evaluation took 0.0100 seconds (0.0100 elapsed) using 891.227 KB.
(%o4) [[-6.999843371570387*%i-6.000425342949248,
(%i5) expand(A . col(%o4[2],1) - %o4[1][1] * col(%o4[2],1));
Evaluation took 0.0000 seconds (0.0000 elapsed) using 39.758 KB.
(%o5) matrix([4.662936703425657e-15-2.442490654175344e-15*%i],
%o5 shows that at least the first eigenvalue and eigenvector are truly
an eigenvalue and eigenvector of the matrix A.
Note that it takes quite a long time to compile and load lapack now.
Perhaps it is worthwhile to separate that out into two parts: one for
real matrices and one for complex matrices. The lapack routine for
real eigenvalues has been around for a bit and only recently have you
asked for complex matrices. I take this to mean that most people have
been working with real matrices.