google plots ... was Re: draw3d, multiple plots, different colors
Subject: google plots ... was Re: draw3d, multiple plots, different colors
From: Jaime Villate
Date: Thu, 08 Dec 2011 22:33:01 +0000
On 12/08/2011 09:27 PM, Leo Butler wrote:
> In addition to the html libraries, there is also parenscript, which
> generates javascript from lisp. I think it is intended for webserving,
> which would be one way to serve up these svg files.
Thanks Leo, that's some useful information.
>> > The output given by Maxima's plot2d and plot3d might be put
>> > into an SVG file rather that the current maxout.gnuplot, and then
>> > launch a web browser to see the result. I'm currently making some
>> > experiments with that.
> I assume you mean the gnuplot svg terminal? It appears to be buggy.
No, I mean writing an SVG directly from Maxima, thus eliminating the
need for Gnuplot or any other external graphic programs!
SVG files can also include some javascript code, so when the SVG file is
opened with a javascript aware program (Web browser) the mouse and other
things may become active, for instance to change the viewpoint in a 3d