problem with draw and windows 7

Hello all,
 I have a student who has windows 7 Home Premium on her laptop.  She has tried both Maxima-5.25.0 and 5.26.0 and can't see the plot with draw2d.    Other students with the same OS (I think) have no difficulty with draw and I don't in my Win 7 Professional laptop.

 She has no trouble with plot2d.  The gnuplot window opens up just fine.
With draw2d, (in either Xmaxima or WxMaxima), she gets a graphics output like
 [gr2d(explicit)]at that looks as if the gnuplot window should open, but it doesn't.   I looked everywhere on the destop and it is not there.

any ideas?

Sheldon E. Newhouse                  |    e-mail: sen1 at   |
Mathematics Department            |
Michigan State University            |   telephone: 517-355-9684          |
E. Lansing, MI 48824-1027 USA   |       FAX: 517-432-1562                 |