bigfloat eigenvalues

I re-worked the program from lapack/ eispack "bisect" which
computes eigenvalues of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix (STM) so that
it runs in bigfloat arithmetic. it is in
and appears to be happy in GCL.  testing it in your favorite version of 
would require loading that file (optionally compiling), and running ?test();

Bisect is possibly the program of choice for STM
  if you need only a set number n of eigenvalues in an interval, rather 
than all of them.

Thanks to f2cl for producing a first cut.  I also have a version that 
runs using MPFR
(a c-coded bigfloat library). I loaded MPFR into Allegro Common Lisp for 
this version;
loading MPFR into other lisps requires special attention and knowledge 
that I don't
have.  (I gather that GCL is particularly deficient in loading foreign 
function libraries).

Comments, improvements, welcome.