On 1/29/12 8:29 AM, Richard Fateman wrote:
> I re-worked the program from lapack/ eispack "bisect" which
> computes eigenvalues of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix (STM) so that
> it runs in bigfloat arithmetic. it is in
> http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~fateman/lisp/bfbisect.lisp
> and appears to be happy in GCL. testing it in your favorite version of
> maxima
> would require loading that file (optionally compiling), and running
> ?test();
Here is another version using maxima bigfloat class. Probably slower
than what Richard has done, but it's a bit simpler, and also closer to
the original f2cl version. Needs some work to be nice with maxima, but
the simple test appears to work. Just load (or compile and load) this
into maxima.
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