Maxima/Matlisp GSoC 2012

On 2/26/2012 9:21 AM, Akshay Srinivasan wrote:
> I really haven't done any development for Maxima yet,
> all I've done is some minor work on Matlisp. I think it'd be nicer
> to work under Maxima as a mentoring organisation
> than otherwise; but I can imagine that it is unlikely
> (apparently Sage has been rejected for 5 years in a row).
> Luck is a wretched thing :)

OK, here's on thought then.  Suggest your idea to Sage.  After all, Sage 
depends on Maxima.
You are going to make Maxima better. They should be happy.

If Sage gets to be a mentoring org, they can choose you and some mentor 
who knows
about matlisp, maxima, SBCL,  whatever.

Or they can take the money and spend it on some high school student 
writing the
15th version of an interactive math front-end in python. That would be sad.


> Akshay
> On 02/26/2012 10:36 PM, Robert Dodier wrote:
>> Akshay,
>> if you have some ideas you'd like to push, by all means,
>> please go ahead and submit a proposal to GSOC.
>> You can assume that you are in the driver's seat; you don't
>> need to get buy-in from anybody else (such as me).
>> I submitted some proposals to GSOC which didn't get
>> any traction, but maybe your luck will be better.
>> best
>> Robert Dodier
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